
A Safer Approach to Dental Care: Introducing the SMART Method

Discover a revolutionary approach to dental care at Avery Dental Wellness with the SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) Method. Our commitment to your safety and well-being is at the forefront of everything we do. Experience the benefits of this innovative technique and take a proactive step toward your dental wellness.

Schedule a consultation today, and let us show you the SMART difference at Avery Dental Wellness.

Understanding the Decision to Remove Mercury Dental Fillings

At Avery Dental Wellness, we believe in empowering our patients with knowledge and understanding. One such decision often arises is removing mercury dental fillings, also known as silver amalgam fillings.

Let’s delve deeper into this topic and explore the factors that influence this important choice:

Mercury Toxicity Concerns

Exposure to mercury vapor released from amalgam fillings can raise concerns about potential health risks. Mercury is a toxic substance that can harm human health in certain forms and amounts. In addition, some worry about the long-term effects of mercury vapor inhalation and absorption into the body. Therefore, minimizing mercury exposure is considered important for overall wellness.

Allergy or Sensitivity

Individuals may sometimes develop allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to the metals present in amalgam fillings, including mercury. These reactions can manifest as oral discomfort, swelling, or other localized symptoms. Removing the filling can alleviate these symptoms and contribute to improved oral health.

Aesthetic Considerations

The visibility of silver amalgam fillings can be a cosmetic concern for some individuals. The appearance of these fillings when smiling or speaking can affect self-confidence and overall well-being. Choosing tooth-colored composite fillings as an alternative can provide a more natural-looking result and enhance the smile's aesthetics.

Individual Health Conditions

Certain medical conditions or circumstances may influence the decision to remove mercury fillings. For example, pregnant women or individuals with compromised immune systems may choose to avoid potential mercury exposure as a precautionary measure. Therefore, evaluating the specific health conditions and considering the potential risks in each case is essential.

The Importance of Professional Mercury Filling Removal

Taking the proactive step of having your mercury fillings removed by Dr. Dennison, a skilled dental professional, ensures that you get the following benefits:

Enhanced Safety and Efficiency

Professional mercury filling removal is of utmost importance to ensure both the safety of patients and the effectiveness of the procedure. Dr. Emily Dennison, a highly skilled and experienced dental professional, is committed to providing safe and efficient mercury filling removal at Avery Dental Wellness.

Adherence to Established Protocols

Our team follows established protocols and guidelines during mercury filling removal to ensure your safety. These protocols include using protective equipment, such as specialized masks and dental dams, to prevent the inhalation or ingestion of mercury particles.

Utilization of Advanced Techniques

Dr. Dennison utilizes advanced techniques and her expertise to ensure the safe and effective removal of mercury fillings. With her precise skills and knowledge, she employs specific drilling techniques and isolation methods to minimize the generation of heat and mercury vapor during the procedure.

Embrace Dental Wellness Today with the SMART Method - Schedule Your Consultation Now

Discover peace of mind from professional mercury filling removal, expertly performed by Dr. Dennison, a skilled dental professional. Ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure while minimizing mercury exposure.

Don’t let concerns or discomfort hold you back – contact us now to schedule your consultation.