
Achieve Picture-Perfect Teeth with Dental Veneers in Dublin, OH

Dental veneers in Dublin, OH, are a great way to achieve a flawless smile. At Avery Dental Wellness in Dublin, OH, Dr. Emily Dennison offers this transformative cosmetic option to enhance your teeth and give you the confidence to show off your smile. Whether you have gaps, chips, or discoloration, dental veneers can help you achieve picture-perfect teeth.

If you want to learn more about dental veneers and whether they’re the right option, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Dennison at Avery Dental Wellness today.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dental option used to enhance the appearance of teeth. They are thin shells bonded to the front of teeth, covering imperfections and creating a more even, uniform look. There are two common types of materials used in veneers:

Porcelain Veneers

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dental option used to enhance the appearance of teeth. They are thin shells bonded to the front of teeth, covering imperfections and creating a more even, uniform look. There are two common types of materials used in veneers:

Porcelain Veneers

  • Made of high-quality porcelain
  • Highly durable and resist staining
  • Provide a natural-looking, translucent finish that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.
  • Can be customized to match the color and shape of your teeth, making them an excellent long-term investment for achieving a flawless smile

Composite Veneers

  • Made of composite resin material
  • A more affordable option for improving the appearance of teeth
  • Require less removal of the natural tooth structure.
  • Can be completed in just one appointment
  • Less durable than porcelain veneers and may need to be replaced more frequently

How Do Dental Veneers Work?

Getting veneers at Avery Dental Wellness is straightforward and minimally invasive. Both porcelain and composite veneers require a small amount of tooth enamel to be removed in preparation –– typically done with little to no anesthesia. Here’s what you can expect during the veneers process:


Discuss your desired outcome and options with Dr. Emily Dennison to determine if dental veneers are the right solution for you.


During your first appointment, a small amount of tooth enamel will be removed to make room for the veneer.

Digital Impressions

A mold will be made of your teeth to ensure a precise fit for your veneers.


The veneers will be custom-made using high-quality porcelain or composite resin to fit your teeth.


During your second appointment, a special adhesive will bond the veneers to your teeth.


Dr. Dennison will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable fit and natural appearance.

Benefits of Dental Veneers at Avery Dental Wellness

Dental veneers offer the following cosmetic benefits that can enhance your smile and help you feel more confident in your appearance:

Improved Appearance

Dental veneers can correct a wide range of cosmetic issues, including chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth, as well as gaps between teeth and misshapen teeth.

Minimal Invasive Procedure

Compared to other cosmetic dental procedures, veneers require minimal removal of natural tooth structure, making them a less invasive option.

Natural-looking Results

Porcelain veneers provide a natural-looking, translucent finish that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Durable and Long-lasting

With proper care, dental veneers can last for many years and provide a durable solution for improving the appearance of teeth.

Improved Confidence

Patients often experience improved self-esteem and confidence by achieving a more attractive smile.

Are Dental Veneers Right for Me?

Before enjoying the benefits of veneers, Dr. Emily Dennison will evaluate your oral health and discuss your cosmetic concerns and goals to determine if dental veneers are the best solution for you.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding if veneers are right for you:

Your overall oral health, including the condition of your teeth and gums.

The extent and nature of the cosmetic concerns you wish to address.

Your personal oral hygiene habits, as well as any habits that may damage the veneers, such as teeth grinding or nail-biting.

Whether there are alternative cosmetic dental options that may better suit your needs and goals.

If you have any questions or concerns about the care and maintenance of your veneers, don't hesitate to ask Dr. Dennison at your next appointment.

Tips to Keep Your Dental Veneers Looking Radiant and Beautiful

Following these tips will help you maintain the longevity and beauty of your dental veneers:

Brush and floss regularly

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential to the longevity of your dental veneers. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day to keep your veneers and natural teeth healthy and clean.

Avoid staining foods and drinks

While dental veneers are highly resistant to staining, they are not entirely stain-proof. So, avoid or limit foods and drinks that can stain your teeth, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored fruits.

Quit smoking

Smoking is not only harmful to your overall health but can also cause discoloration and damage to your dental veneers. If you're a smoker, quitting is one of the best things you can do to maintain your oral health and the longevity of your veneers.

Quit smoking

Smoking is not only harmful to your overall health but can also cause discoloration and damage to your dental veneers. If you're a smoker, quitting is one of the best things you can do to maintain your oral health and the longevity of your veneers.

Wear a mouthguard

If you grind your teeth at night, wear a custom-fitted mouthguard to protect your dental veneers from damage. Teeth grinding can wear down and damage veneers over time, so it's essential to take steps to protect them.

Schedule regular dental check-ups

Regular dental check-ups allow Dr. Emily Dennison to monitor the health and condition of your dental veneers and natural teeth and to address any issues before they become more serious.

If you have any questions or concerns about the care and maintenance of your veneers, don't hesitate to ask Dr. Dennison at your next appointment:

Transform Your Smile with Dental Veneers - Schedule Your Consultation Today

At Avery Dental Wellness, we take pride in our commitment to providing personalized care and promoting total dental wellness for our patients. So, transform your smile and boost your confidence by scheduling a consultation with us today.
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